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Monday, June 4, 2012

Second Sunday at Redeemer Parish in the South Hills, Canonsburg

We held our first Sunday of 8:00 AM and 10:30 services yesterday both using the same new ACNA Service of Holy Communion which will be used province-wide this week at the ACNA Assembly in Ridgecrest NC which our clergy will attend.  

The first service was a said service (no music) which will continue until we either hire an full time organist or until we can provide pre-recorded organ music through a computer and sound system, which we are working on.  Nonetheless it was well attended (34 souls) with a happy and free attitude. Everyone is glad to be a part of our new start.   

The second service was a joyous celebration of God's goodness, mercy, grace and blessing which He so wonderfully provides for us.  The Rev Joseph Martin of Church of Our Saviour and three of his praise team provided music and a sound system.  The Rev Canon Mary Hays, Canon to the Ordinary to Bishop Duncan was a surprise guest and brought a short message of encouragement, support and thankfulness for our standing strong for biblical truth.  She also challenged us to reach the neighborhood that God has now placed us in for His sake and for their eternal salvation. 

Since we left all behind at the now defunct St. David's Anglican Church (the vestry voted itself out of existence at 2359 hours on 31 May as planned), we must retool and restock our worship space.  The Episcopal Diocese kept the two 60" monitors, the powerpoint computer, all the sound equipment and microphones, the electronic message board, -- all purchased after we realigned in October 2008.  We had been assured when we purchased these items that they would remain ours.  The Episcopal Diocese claimed them under the guise that, "they needed to maintain the integrity of the worship space" or "they needed to consider the needs of the continuing congregation".  Interestingly, none of the continuing congregation gave even as much as a nickel toward the purchase of all that they kept. (their continuing congregation numbers less than a dozen and ours numbers well over a hundred.)      

Since last Sunday members of our congregation have offered to provide us:

1.  a new sound system
2.  a new ESV Pulpit Bible 
3.  two 70" Sharp Aquos LCD monitors 
4.  100 ESV Pew Bibles   
5.  new Altar and Processional Crosses
6.  Kids Church materials
7.  Nursery stuff

Two churches, Ruthfred Lutheran of Bethel Park PA and Gastonville Methodist near Finleyville PA, have reached out to us and have offered to help us out with sanctuary items we might need.  


  1. Hi David,

    Thank the Lord for the witness of your faithful congregation, and the local Lutheran and Methodist brothers and sisters. "See how they love each other". It does my heart good (and Dad would be pleased).
    Still praying,
    Jill Forrest

  2. “The Rev Canon Mary Hays, Canon to the Ordinary to Bishop Duncan was a surprise guest and brought a short message of encouragement, support and thankfulness for our standing strong for biblical truth.  She also challenged us to reach the neighborhood that God has now placed us in for His sake and for their eternal salvation. “

    Canon Mary has given you a clear call to your Mission and Ministry. A wise man would pay heed.

    Looking back in anger is a demon that keeps you from looking forward to the current ministry that is yours. Saying that “someday we will return to Peters Township” is a demon that guarantees that your thoughts, hopes, and best efforts are not in what you see as your temporary home. Saying that when you move back to Peters Township, you’ll “leave to the good people of Canonsburg a strong, gospel-centered Anglican Church planted there.” is saying to those “good people” that they are welcome to your church but they should not consider themselves as part of the real congregation. They’ll figure that out soon enough and that’s the demon that assures you’ll have no ministry among them.

    It is a three-headed demon that will cripple your ability to carry out the Mission and Ministry that God has given you. Pray that Jesus will deliver you from this demon. He does that, you know.

    Accept the Mission and Ministry that is yours, and yours alone, and celebrate the opportunity of it.

    I pray daily for your wellbeing.

    p.s.: Why do you keep calling yourselves “The former congregation of St. David’s”? It’s over; be done.

  3. OlDave

    I'll consider your comment carefully and prayerfully

  4. Just a couple comments on "OlDave"'s comments.

    It is definitely over as far as our former location. We have come to that understanding each in his or her own way. Thinking about returning to Peters someday is simply a recognition of the demographics of the parish and sixty years of experience there. The plan is to plant a church, whether we consider the Canonsburg congregation a plant or a new Peters church a plant. Canonsburg is a "real church". It is what we are committed to. If we ever do start another congregation, wherever it may be, it will be because the Holy Spirit has led us to that, not because we harbor any yearning for what was.

    Personally, I think TEC is going to flop in Peters. That leaves Peters as an equally valid mission field.

    I appreceiate what you say and will take it to heart but I think that our understanding of our direction is a little different.

    We have recommitted ourselves to mission in either case.

